Public Affairs Networking
Today’s headlines from across the EU

European Headlines
FTThousands on march to mourn murdered Putin critic Nemtsov. Protest in memory of slain liberal politician is largest Moscow has seen in three years.

WSJE – rally for slain activist. Thousands march in capital to mourn Kremlin critic.

INYT –  For policemen, a cultural struggle. Western efforts to help in Afghanistan often put female recruits in danger.

Le MondePutin opponent assassinated at foot of the Kremlin. The murder of Boris Nemtsov, shot dead, stirs outrage in Russia and abroad.

Les EchosFaced down by doctors, third party payment in retreat. Pressure from GPs and the impending local elections push the government into making concessions. Hospitals will be able to make payroll savings of €860 million by 2017.

Frankfurter AlgemeinerIn Russia, tens of thousands mourn the murdered opposition politician Boris Nemtsov. Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks of a cynical assassination.

SudDeutsche ZeitungTens of thousands mourn Putin’s opponent. Protesters call for an open society at the march for Boris Nemtsov. Russian authorities talk of a contract killing.

La RepublicaThe centre-right splits, Salvini sows discord. Berlusconi will meet the leader of the Northern League soon, but declares that he will not abandon Alfano and his party, the Ncd. Matteo Salvini nominates Flavio Tosi as the Northern League candidate for regional elections in Venice, stirring tensions within the party.

Il Sole 24 HoraThe map of tax havens is changing. As Italy signed a series of agreements to crack down on fiscal evasion, most countries dubbed tax heavens are now mainly located outside Europe.

GazetaPolitical murder at the Kremlin’s walls. More than 50,000 people paid tribute to the killed Boris Nemtsov in a march organised yesterday in the centre of Moscow. It has been the biggest anti-government demonstration in Moscow in years.

El PaisOpposition to Putin grows in strength with new and large protest march. Tens of thousands of people demonstrated in Moscow against the assassination of Nemtsov. There are no leads on the perpetrators of the crime.

ExpansionTelefonica and Vodafone unite to slow Apple down. The two companies will lead the telecom sector to develop a common SIM card for all mobile phones.

The TimesScrap migrant target, No 10 told. Cameron’s divisive and unrealistic pledge sets party up for failure, senior Tories warn.

The GuardianThe best employee we ever had’ – Emwazi the model IT salesman. Former colleagues tell of disbelief after ‘calm and decent’ worker is unmasked as Isis killer.


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