Public Affairs Networking
Today’s headlines from across the EU



FTMiddle East tensions escalate as pressure builds over Yemen. Arab leaders announce joint military force. Tehran nuclear talks go down to the wire.

WSJEThe Greek plan is deemed insufficient. Greek proposals for a revised bailout programme don’t have enough detail to satisfy the government’s international creditors, Eurozone officials said, making it more likely that Athens will need to go several more weeks without a new infusion of desperately-needed cash.

INYT To reassure Europe, US call in cavalry. Convoy treks 1,100 miles in effort to counter fears about Russia’s next move


Le MondeHollande wants to keep the leadership despite the announced defeat. François Hollande dismisses the idea of a government change after the second round of the departmental election, which will feature a strong recess of PS positions.

Les EchosHollande’s programme after the defeat. The PS suffered a major setback during the second round of the local elections. With close to thirty departments, the left-wing turns the clock back twenty years.


Frankfurter AlgemeinerTeachers unhappy with collective agreement for public service. Two steps salary increase agreed; probable transfer for civil servants.

SudDeutsche ZeitungSituation tightens for Athens. Greece has submitted a new reform list, which frustrated experts in Brussels. Under high pressure, they try to transform the ideas of Tsipras’ government into a useful concept.


La RepublicaTunis protest march: « Jihad will not win ». Iran-US: Israel’s anger. Some 60,000 protesters joined the march against terrorism in Tunis. Matteo Renzi commented: “We must fight for democracy, we will catch the extremists.”

Il Sole 24 HoraLast test for the spending review. Goal: six billion euros of savings. Tomorrow, the implementation of cuts for regions and municipalities will begin.


GazetaSaddled with diesel. Europe slowly turns its back on diesel after it has found out how carcinogenic its fumes are. Poland, in turn, imports old diesel cars from Europe in large amounts and, to cheapen the expense, removes from them the Diesel Particulate Filters.


El PaisThe Partido Popular’s leaders criticise Rajoy’s communication policy. Growing dissatisfaction among the party towards the choice of the PP’s spokespersons.

ExpansionACS and OHL lead public tendering. Public contracts have increased by 25% in 2014, after a seven-year decrease


The TimesLabour will raise tax bill by £3,000 says Cameron. David Cameron will claim today that a Labour government would increase the tax bill for “every working family” by more than £3,000 as he tries to bring former supporters back into the fold and calm jangling Tory nerves.

The GuardianEU referendum will play havoc with business, Miliband warns. Labour’s overture to industry. Leadership issue dogs Tories.



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