Public Affairs Networking
Today’s headlines from across the EU
FT – Oil price jumps after Saudi-led air strikes on targets in Yemen. Fears for heightened showdown in Middle East. Concerns over safe transport of crude.
WSJE – Crash appears to have been deliberate. Prosecutor says co-pilot set plane into fatal descent.
INYT – Co-pilot lies at heart of mystery. Andreas Lubitz showed no signs he would take scores to their deaths.
Le Monde – A320: investigation focuses on pilot who remained alone in the cockpit. According to a black box, one of the two pilots left the cockpit. He didn’t manage to return to it before the crash.
Les Echos – Stock market: the lessons to be learnt from three months of euphoria. In Paris, one third of high values reached historical high. Life-insurance resists the downward trend in yields. The conflict in Yemen results in increased oil prices.
Frankfurter Algemeiner – Co-pilot is said to have caused the crash. Aircraft Captain was locked out of cockpit while co-pilot initiated descent; a terrorist background is being ruled out for the time being.
SudDeutsche Zeitung – Co-pilot let the airplane crash. “In our worst nightmares we could not have imagined that this kind of tragedy could happen to us here at the company,”Lufthansa CEO Spohr said. According to the prosecutor, it was the co-pilot who initiated the plane’s destruction. Passengers probably noticed the emergency only at the last moment.
La Republica – A mysterious pilot and murderer. The Airbus’ co-pilot deliberately crashed the aircraft. Andrea Lubitz, 27, already had a past history of depression.
Il Sole 24 Hora – Draghi announced QE adds one percentage point to Italy’s GDP and urges structural reforms. The ECB President also thinks that bad bank’s implementation in Italy is a good option as it would take on toxic loans, thus freeing up the country’s banks to extend credit.
Gazeta – Bierecki to Duda. SKOK to Tribunal.Minister Andrzej Duda piloted a complaint to the Constitutional Tribunal against the Act on SKOK cooperative saving societies on behalf of the-then President Lech Kaczyński. Duda referred to legal expertise ordered by SKOK with no independent consultations taken into consideration.
El Pais – The police are looking for the reason why the co-pilot crashed the plane. The investigation takes a surprising turn. “When he found himself alone, the co-pilot activated the descent.”
Expansion – Security to be increased after co-pilot locked out. Airliners change cockpit rules.
The Times – Lufthansa knew about killer pilot’s depression. German had been suspended from flight school.
The Guardian – This is the pilot who flew his jet into a mountain. Taking 149 people to their death. Countdown to crash revealed by voice recorder. Desperate bid by pilot to access locked cockpit. Airlines move to change their flight deck rules.
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