Public Affairs Networking
Today’s headlines from across the EU


FTAthens raids public health coffers. Desperate move to stay afloat as €1.7 billion wage bill and €450 million payment loom.

WSJEGerman plane crashes in French Alps. The crash of an Airbus A320 carrying 150 people from Barcelona to Düsseldorf plunged Germany and Spain into mourning as France rushed to mount a complex search-and-recovery operation in this steep Alpine region.

INYTJet crash in Alps kills 150. Voice recorder recovered at remote site in France.


Le MondeHow the FN roots have extended over the whole territory. Results of the first round of the departmental election have shown a growth of the FN in territories where it still had little implantation.

Les EchosBlack Tuesday in French sky. There are no survivors among the 150 passengers and crew of Germanwings’ A320. France’s deadliest air crash since the Concorde disaster in 2000

Frankfurter Algemeiner150 dead in plane crash in France. 67 Germans among the victims in the Germanwings’ Airbus 320; the crash’s cause is still unclear; Chancellor Merkel speaks of a shock.

SudDeutsche Zeitung150 dead in plane crash that shocks Germany. It is one of the deadliest airplane crashes in Germany’s history: an Airbus charted by the low-cost company Germanwings shatters in the French Alps. At least 67 Germans among the victims.


La RepublicaAirbus: a mysterious tragedy. An aircraft from the low-cost branch of Lufthansa crashed in the Alps, 150 people died. During the eight-minute fall, the flight made no mayday call.

Il Sole 24 HoraReform of the Cooperative Banks approved. The Senate adopted the reform of banking regulation, the transfer of current account will be eased and bonus to innovative SMEs will be implemented.


GazetaOncology patients will not be cured this way. Polish renowned oncologists write – in a letter to Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz, the Minister of Health and the Head of National Health Fund – that the recently introduced oncology package only escalated red tape instead of improving diagnostics and therapy.


El PaisAirbus: a mysterious tragedy. An aircraft from the low-cost branch of Lufthansa crashed in the Alps, 150 people died. During the eight-minute fall, the flight made no mayday call.

ExpansionAir tragedy. 150 victims in a plane flying from Barcelona to Düsseldorf

The TimesPilots refuse to fly after crash horror in the Alps. Mother and baby from Britain among 150 dead. Disaster Airbus had been grounded for repairs.

The GuardianThe 8-minute descent to death. 150 killed as plane crashes into French Alps. Search for clues after Airbus fails to send mayday. 16 children from same school among the dead.


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