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Today’s headlines from across the EU

European Headlines

FTQE and US rate expectations push euro to 12-year low. Wall Street stocks knocked as fears grow over impact of stronger dollar.

WSJEECB effect: euro, yields keep falling. The fall in the euro accelerated Tuesday and bond yields in the Eurozone hit record lows, as the effects of the European Central Bank’s bond-buying programme continued to grip markets.

INYT – New left shakes up the politics of Spain. Leader refines a message of change as his upstart party draws a following.


Le MondeDeadly crash in Argentina, the sports world mourns. Eight French citizens, including three high-level athletes, died in a collision between two helicopters in Argentina on March 9.

Les EchosThe new law worrying big companies. Draft law presented by the PS, debated this morning by a committee of the National Assembly, and has employers panicking. Companies will have to ensure that their subcontractors respect fundamental rights. They could face fines up to €10 million.


Frankfurter AlgemeinerObama accuses Republicans of playing a dangerous game with Iran. The US President is outraged by a letter Republicans sent to Iran and accuses them of forcing America into a military conflict.

SudDeutsche ZeitungFear for peace in Mariupol. While Ukrainian President Poroshenko has acknowledged progress in the withdrawal of heavy weapons, fights are intensifying over the strategically important city in eastern Ukraine.


La RepublicaThe court of Cassation absolves Berlusconi. In Ruby trial, the verdict has fallen. Silvio Berlusconi has been proven innocent of the crimes that were attributed to him. For the Court of Cassation, there has been neither offence of concussion, nor offence of having relationship with a minor prostitute.

Il Sole 24 OraEuro nearing parity with US dollar. The single currency fell to a 12-year low at $1.07. Debt maturities in Italy and Spain have hit their lowest yields on record at +1.17% and 1.23%.


GazetaRussia’s new threat. Russia denounces the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe.


El PaisSpanish Interior Ministry investigates on police chief Villarejo’s private activities. Internal Affairs has opened two cases on the policeman’s actions.

ExpansionBrufau to leave executive powers in Repsol. CEO Josu Jon Imaz will be in charge of most of his functions.


The TimesDementia clinics are swamped by worried well. Fears drive the middle aged to seek checks.

The GuardianMinorities hit by huge surge in joblessness. Labour condemns coalition for 50% rise among non-white young adults.



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