Public Affairs Networking
Murdoch’s hIgh price for supporting Cameron over EU referendum?

There have been strange rumblings very recently that Rupert Murdoch’s stable of newspapers in the UK may be quietly prepared to support the UK Prime Minister in a referendum about continued EU membership writes In Vino Rimoribis. Peter Preston writing in The Observer at the weekend highlighted the subtle shift in Murdoch’s thinking. What he did not cover is the opportunity this presents for further aggrandisement of the Murdoch empire in the UK.

The notoriously sceptic Murdoch (ex-Australian citizen, current USA citizen), seems ready to  tell his editors to back peddle on stories critical of the EU. The price to be paid by Cameron’s government? Butchering the BBC so as to allow Murdoch’s Sky TV to exploit the vast opportunities that would open up, especially in regards to internet news and programme-making.

It appears that the Prime Minsiter is fulfilling his part of the Faustian pact by appointing John Whittingdale as Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport. Whittingdale who will be responsible negotiating with the BBC over the renewal of their role has often expressed an antipathy to the BBC.


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