Public Affairs Networking
31/10 – Today’s headlines from across the EU


BBC Europe Italy quake: Thousands spend night in temporary accommodation. The 6.6-magnitude quake – Italy’s strongest in decades – struck close to the region where nearly 300 people were killed by a quake in August. This time no-one appears to have died in the quake near the town of Norcia, but about 20 people were injured. More than 100 aftershocks were registered overnight into Monday.

FT Europe

Carney stands ready to serve full 8-year term at Bank Of England.

Governor wants to steer economy through Brexit; Decision would defy pressure to quit.


FBI in internal feud over emails.

Laptop may contain thousands of messages linked to Clinton private server.


Fields of unrealized dreams.

Genetically modified crops have not increased yields or curbed use of pesticides.


Le Monde 

François Hollande’s discredit raises fears in his party.

The head of state’s confidences in the book “A President should not say that…” are destabilising Socialists.

Les Echos

Historic agreement between Europe and Canada

A wide free-trade agreement was signed on Sunday between the two partners. The text will allow the ban of 99% of custom duties between the two zones.


Frankfurter Allgemeine 

CDU wants to further strengthen asylum criteria.

Strobl: “Our position matches up to 98% with the CSU”.

Sueddeutsche Zeitung

CSU mobilises against red-red-green.

After the fight, party boss Horst Seehofer is looking for Merkel’s support against a “leftwing front”. The CDU chairwoman won’t come to the CSU party conference for the first time in 16 years.


La Repubblica 

The ground split open.

Another earthquake in Central Italy, the strongest since 1980.

Il Sole 24 Ore 

Budget: a three-tiered finance law.

In the preparation of the budget law and in the fiscal decree, already existing measures, announced interventions and projects are to be confirmed.


Gazeta Wyborcza 

Clinton in a trap.

FBI restarted the investigation into Hilary Clinton’s e-mail case. This can pave Donald Trump’s way to the office of US President. Hilary Clinton says that fundamental rules of American democracy have been broken.


El Pais 

The PP puts pressure on Rajoy for a younger government.

Several leaders advise the president to change his team for the next political phase.


Rajoy starts the term of the six big reforms.

Today, Mariano Rajoy, the government’s president, is expected to take an oath before the King with a complicated mandate aimed at reaching big reforms.


The Times

Putin set to launch huge attack on Aleppo.

Moscow exploits western weakness to save Assad.

The Guardian

May’s claim on health funding not true – MPs.

Cross-party group disputes figure of £10bn extra cash for NHS cited by PM.




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