Public Affairs Networking
30/11 – Today’s headlines from across the EU


FTModi tells rich nations of their duty to lead climate change fight. Indian PM’s warning as Paris summit begins. Comments highlight huge task at talks.

WSJEClimate goal is contested. Some question the validity of two-degree target underpinning this week’s Paris talks.

 INYT –  Clampdown in France extends to activism. As Paris summit begins, police set their sights on demonstrations.

BBC – COP21: World leaders begin high-level climate talks. Negotiators from 195 countries will try to reach a deal within two weeks aimed at reducing global carbon emissions. Leaders from 147 nations will address the meeting, known as COP21, on Monday. Initiatives aimed at boosting clean technologies are due to be launched.


Baltic TimesPutin calls for “mutually respectful dialogue” between Moscow and Tallinn. “We are predisposed toward a mutually respectful dialogue with Estonia in the spirit of neighbourliness,” said Putin. “Better confidence could facilitate the border treaties’ entry into effect.” Moscow’s position regarding the rights and interests of Russians living in Estonia is also well-known, he said. “We proceed from the assumption that they will be strictly observed,” Putin added.


Le Monde –  Can we still save the planet? (Special edition)

Les EchosClimate: ten keys to historic negotiation. The Climate Conference COP21, bringing together 150 Heads of State and Government, starts this Monday in Paris. “Les Echos” analyse the main challenges to reach an ambitious agreement.


Frankfurter AllgemeineEU and Turkey to work more closely together in the refugee crisis. Grants and border security. Davutoglu: Historic day in the accession process.

Sueddeutsche ZeitungMunicipalities want more money for refugees. As more and more people are pushing to Germany, the local authorities are now dealing with costs of up to €16 billion in 2016. The recent pledges by the Federal State are insufficient.


La Repubblica –  Climate: clashes in Paris; EU and Turkey sign migrant deal. France kicked off the start of the COP21 Climate Conference with a bang, with several thousand people protesting for the environment on Place de la République. They defied the state of emergency, causing clashes with police.

Il Sole 24 Ore – New plan for monitoring tax evasion. The voluntary disclosure ends tonight but the fight against tax fraud continues, starting from January 1st, 30 States will share banking data.


Gazeta WyborczaStop to Syrians. Will Turkey stem Syrians’ influx to Europe? The EU is ready to pay a bitter price for it but Ankara also urges the EU to take in part of the refugees.


El PaísFirst electoral debate to decide the best alternative to the PP. Sánchez, Iglesias and Rivera to discuss their proposals today on while Rajoy refused to join them.

ExpansionAbengoa facing million-dollar lawsuits in the US. Several lawyers’ offices have filed claims against the company.


The TimesUnion chief threatens Labour MPs over Syria. Labour’s biggest union paymaster warned Jeremy Corbyn’s opponents in the party that they were “writing their political obituaries” as the row over military action in Syria intensified yesterday.

The GuardianPressure mounts on Feldman. Party chairman facing calls to quit over bullying. Demands grow for inquiry to be independent.



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