Public Affairs Networking
30/04 – Today’s headlines from across the EU


FTFed concedes US recovery has lost momentum. Bank statement on weak 0.2% growth fuels expectations of delay in rate rise.

WSJEFed sees GDP slowdown as “transitory.” Rate increases remain on table, but timing unclear.

INYTUS forces still fighting in a war said to be over. Airstrikes in Afghanistan are routinely conducted under guise of training.


Le MondeMuslim girls’ long skirts open new rift at school. A Muslim secondary-school student was punished for wearing a long skirt seen as “conspicuous.”

Les EchosHow the Army won the battle of resources. Funding for Defence will be increased by EUR 3.8 billion for the next four years. 18,500 job destructions planned by 2019 to be cancelled. The number of state employees increases during François Hollande’s presidency.


Frankfurter AllgemeineGay men may be excluded from blood donation. ECJ argues it is discrimination to protect the public interest in case of high HIV transmission risks.

Suddeutsche ZeitungBND has helped NSA in political espionage. Internal investigation from news services and the Federal Chancellery unveils senior government officials in the French Élysée Palace and in the European Commission have been spied on by the Bad Aibling listening station in Germany.


La RepublicaRenzi secured victory on electoral law. 38 democrats refused to cast ballot, minority parties are divided. The Prime Minister won the confidence vote on electoral law Italicum with 352 votes in favour and 207 against. He admits however that there is still a long way to go.

Il Sole 24 OreUS growth slows down, stock markets plummet. USA economy decelerates because of a high dollar rate that burdens upon exportation and brings into its wake European markets. Piazza Affari loses 2.3%.


Gazeta Baltimore is exasperated. Soldiers and police officers in Baltimore have pacified demonstrators, thieves and vandals. It does not mean that the Black America’s rebellion against injustice will end.


El PaisPSOE will allow investiture agreements except with Bildu and PP. The party’s leaders give flexibility to its candidates so that they can make pacts with Ciudadanos, Podemos, IU and other parties.

ExpansionBBVA raises profit. The bank earns 146% more thanks to the sale of Chinese company Citic.


The TimesLib Dems to revolt over fresh pact with Tories. Party insiders take hard line against any Clegg deal.

The GuardianRevealed: Tory plan to slash GBP 8 billion benefits. Lib Dems leak government plans “because Britain is being conned.”


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