Public Affairs Networking
29/02 – Today’s headlines from across the EU


FT EuropeRepublican establishment swings behind Rubio in bid to halt Trump. Last-ditch bid to prevent tycoon’s nomination; party fears loss to resurgent Clinton

WSJEBelgium tax spurs review. Multinational firms consider leaving after discount is ruled illegal

INYTClinton’s gamble in Libya. Secretary of State played crucial role in persuading Washington to intervene.

BBC Europe – Migrants charge through Macedonia fence. A crowd of migrants has burst through a barbed-wire fence on the Macedonia-Greece border using a steel pole as a battering ram. TV footage showed migrants pushing against the fence at Idomeni, ripping away barbed wire, as Macedonian police let off tear gas to force them away.


Le Monde – Hollande’s failed meeting with farmers. François Hollande was booed and insulted shortly after his arrival on Saturday 27 February at the Agriculture Show, which opened in a very tense climate.

Les EchosNotaries, bailiffs: the reform finally under way. The new tariff system from the Macron law will enter into force early May. Access to professions of notaries, bailiffs and licensed auctioneers becomes more open.


Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) Success for reformers in parliamentary elections in Iran. President Rohani: “A new era”. Economic optimism. Elections of the Assembly of Experts.

Sueddeutsche Zeitung (SZ)Dispute over “anger attacks” by Schäuble. The Finance Minister blames Sigmar Gabriel for “pitiful talk”, after the latter demanded not only a programme for refugees but also a social package for locals.


La RepubblicaTaxes: the goal of income tax and wages taxation is accelerating. The government wants less contribution in 2017. Rise of helps in favour of firms and workers.

Il Sole 24 OreGovernment workers, obstacle course for the new contracts. The contracts of three million public sector employees are to be updated after six years. Rules and regulations are to be harmonised.


Gazette Wyborcza – Unblock the Tribunal. The Venice Commission states that the Constitutional Tribunal in Poland was blocked and rules of democratic State were violated. The Commission recalls that the government has to enforce the Tribunal’s verdicts.


El País – Sanchez to ask for the federal committee’s support to team up with Podemos. The socialist leader wants to make a last offer to Iglesias to join the deal with Ciudadanos.


The TimesRising fury of ministers muzzled over Brexit. MPs demand answers from civil service chief.

The GuardianBrexit ‘would affect lives of millions’. Downing Street steps up warnings over risks of British departure from EU.




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