Public Affairs Networking
27/01 – Today’s headlines from across the EU


FT EuropeBeijing warns Soros against declaring “war on renminbi.” Party mouthpiece rebukes billionaire investor. Shanghai loses 6.4% amid new turmoil.

WSJEFrench taxi-drivers stage fiery protest against car-hailing apps. Cabdrivers clashed with riot police as they disrupted traffic on the ring road around Paris on Tuesday as they went on strike to demand further restrictions on car-hailing firms. The strike is the second such major protest in less than a year.

INYTChavez’ rivals borrow populist tactics. Venezuelan lawmakers want to hand out deeds to government housing.

BBC Europe -French Minister Christiane Taubira resigns amid terror row.  Justice Minister Taubira has stepped down from her job, shortly before plans to strip people convicted of terrorism of their citizenship go before parliament. Ms Taubira was known to disagree with the controversial proposals, The citizenship plans were put forward after the 13 November Paris attacks in which 130 people were murdered.


Le MondeSchengen: Europe wants to exclude Greece for two years. Facing the influx of migrants, EU Interior Ministers demanded on Monday the exclusion of Greece from the free circulation area for two years.

Les EchosPilots increase the pressure at Air France. The inter-union has rejected the directorate’s new strategic plan and asks for government actions. A strike can be “envisaged,” said a pilot representative. Agreement reached on employment of ground staff.


Frankfurter Algemeine Zeitung (FAZ)Resentment grows among the CDU and the SPD after the CSU’s letter to Merkel. Kauder (CDU): We are not in a puppet theatre. Oppermann (SPD): This is a revocation of the coalition.

Sueddeuetsche Zeitung (SZ)Karlsruhe puts limits to European law. The Federal Constitutional Court rejects an EU arrest warrant, thus preventing the extradition of a US citizen to Italy. Germany’s highest judges challenge the European Court of Justice.


La RepubblicaBanking crisis: deal between Italy and the EU. After five hours of negotiation, the Italian Minister of Economy Pier Carlo Padoan and the EU Commissioner for Competition Margrethe Vestager signed an agreement on banking guarantees.

Il Sole 24 Ore Banks: agreement with the EU on deteriorating credits. Yesterday, Italian Economy Minister Pier Carlo Padoan announced that an agreement on bad loans has been reached between Italy and the EU.


Gazette WyborczaNew weekend tax. PiS party introduced a turnover tax to be levied on supermarkets as the “national tax” that would cast a blow at foreign-capital chains of supermarkets in Poland. Polish retailers, however, say that it will have no such effect and will be a massive burden for Polish stores only.


El PaisCorruption blows out the PP in the middle of pact negotiation. A new case in Valence involves Rita Barbera. Ciudadanos believes that Rajoy should be presented to an enquiry commission.

ExpansionBusiness operations drop to their lowest level since 1995. Bank mergers and operations in the renewable energy market are paralysed.


The TimesItaly shows Britain how to get tough with Google. Italy is poised to strike a far tougher tax deal with Google than the one secured by Britain.

The GuardianParliament repairs could exile MPs for six years. The House of Commons may have to relocate beyond its historic home at the Palace of Westminster to a temporary one in a nearby Whitehall courtyard as part of plans to refurbish the building during the next decade.




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