Public Affairs Networking
24/08 – Today’s headlines from across the EU


FTIsrael turns to Iraq’s Kurds for oil supplies. Revenues from sales provide lifeline for cash-strapped region in fight against Isis.

WSJEFrance urges more vigilance on trains. Spencer Stone reacted quickly when he awoke from a nap on a high-speed train and saw a shirtless man holding an AK-47 assault rifle.

INYTGaza, a year later. The Gaza City neighbourhood of Shejaiya. One year after the end of the war between Israel and Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip, not one of the nearly 18,000 homes destroyed or damaged in the area is habitable. Efforts to rebuild have been frustrated by a lack of funds, Palestinian infighting and Israeli involvement.


Le MondeThe terrorist hypothesis gains traction after Thalys attack. The suspect, neutralised by two American soldiers, seems to be classified as a radical Islamist in three countries.

Les EchosWhy fear is hanging over capital markets. Last week, the CAC 40 recorded its worst performance since December 2014. Stagnant growth and deflation are among the main factors.


Frankfurter Allgemeine (FAZ)Security strengthened around emergency accommodations for asylum seekers in Heidenau. The Federal government and the Saxony state government announced on Sunday measures to stop xenophobic violence towards migrants.

Suedeutsche ZeitungSPD: Merkel must break her silence on attacks on immigrants. After the far-right violent attacks in Heidenau, SPD General Secretary Fahimi urges the Chancellor to condemn “unspeakable outrages.” The Greens also complain about Ms Merkel’s hesitations.


La RepubblicaJuncker: “I don’t want a walled-up Europe”. The European Commission president made a statement about migrants and advocated for an immigration policy. FYROM opened its borders, 4,400 migrants to arrive in Italy.

Il Sole 24 OreThe crisis affects profits: who has lost the most? The southern provinces along with the islands are among the locations where the crisis has had the harshest effect on profits. Rome and Milan are also affected.


Gazeta WyborczaGreedy State Forest company. Although the price of wood is falling, the State Forest continued to cut an increasing number of trees and also increased their pay and bonuses. Outlay for forest roads and offices also rose quickly compared to spending on forest protection.


El PaisGovernments and EU overflown by migration. Italy criticises other member states’ “selfishness.” Germany fights against new racists attacks. Merkel and Hollande to meet today.

ExpansionSignings’ shuffle due to the funds’ “boom”. Advisers, experts and business managers are moving from one entity to another at a moment of great economic boom.


The TimesAir show deaths prompt call for new safety rules. Jet kills 11 and narrowly misses dozens more.

The GuardianEleven feared dead in jet crash at Sussex air show. Footballers and a fitness coach are named as the first victims.




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