Public Affairs Networking
24/04 – Today’s headlines from across the EU


FTDeutsche Bank hit with record USD 2.5 billion fine over Libor rigging. Seven staff faces dismissal. Jain cleared of wrong doing. Key strategy plan before board.

WSJEEU leaders to boost sea patrols. Member states agree to triple funds for mission.

INYTDrone strike killed 2 Al Qaeda hostages. Obama offers apology for deaths of American and Italian in Pakistan.


Le MondeThe French economy is recovering; bosses are regaining confidence. After years of negative economic data, the numerous recovery signs contribute to French bosses regaining confidence.

Les EchosSavings: The ministry of Finances’ targeted list of expenditures. Fourteen sectors are scrutinised to identify cost savings for the 2016 draft budget. Housing allowances, emergency accommodations, universities… some very sensitive issues.


Frankfurter AllgemeineHenkel to leave AfD board because of “right-wing ideologues” in the party. Deputy AfD Chairman Hans-Olaf Henkel warns: “the ruin looms if nothing is done to clarify the party’s orientation.”

Suddeutsche ZeitungEurope to send navy to the Mediterranean sea. EU summit discusses consequences of massive refugee death. Merkel: It’s about stopping the trafficking of people smugglers, their boats are to be confiscated and destroyed.


La RepublicaThe Italian aid worker kidnapped by Al Qaeda, killed by a drone. Obama: “it’s my fault.” Lo Porto has been detained for three years in Pakistan. An American hostage also died during the attack. Renzi criticized: he was warned on the previous day.

Il Sole 24 OreEU summit on the migrants disembarking emergency.  Migration: tripling of EU funds for Triton, Europe divided over asylums.


GazetaFirst round of Presidential elections hang by thread. Bronisław Komorowski is short of a few-percent of electoral support to win the first round of Presidential elections next May. The latest polls show 48% support for Bronisław Komorowski and 31% support for Andrzej Duda, the PiS party candidate.


El PaisChaves agrees to leave politics at the end of the legislative period. The decision of Andalusia’s former president can facilitate Susana Diaz’s investiture.

ExpansionTalgo and Cellnex to launch their IPOs on May 7th. Talgo will use 20 to 30% of its profit for dividend. Abertis telecom subsidiary Cellnex will list 55% of its capital.


The TimesLabour’s GBP 1,000 tax on families. True cost of Miliband’s spending plans revealed by think-tank. Study also questions how Tories would fund giveaways.

The GuardianPM’s gamble on English tax. Cameron warned he is playing with fire as he targets Ukip territory.


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