Public Affairs Networking
23/06 – Today’s headlines from across the EU


FT – Greek shift in stance keeps alive hopes for bailout deal. EU leaders welcome first concessions in months and aim for talks this week.

WSJE –  Greek offer lifts hopes for a deal. Europe officials signal agreement is now in sight.

INYT – Senseless’ war tears apart South Sudan. Reports of atrocities rise and fighting intensifies despite efforts at peace.


Le Monde – Greece: the scenarios of the end of the crisis. The negotiations between Greece and its creditors continue on Monday, before a Eurogroup and an exceptional chiefs-of-state summit.

Les Echos – Pensions: why the negotiations get stuck. In the absence of agreement, the social partners postpone the discussions on Agirc-Arrco to October. The Medef maintains its allowance’s project and warns about the consequence of a failure.


Frankfurter Zeitung (FAZ) – The review of the Greek reform plan continues. “A vast project” but not enough time to evaluate it. A meeting of finance ministers is set.

Suedeutsche Zeitung = Another delay for Tsipras. Creditors shun a decision at the summit. Angela Merkel wants the Greek government to reconsider its position.


La Repubblica – Greece: agreement planned for Thursday, markets optimistic.Greek PM Tsipras has made some concessions on pensions and the deficit. The Eurogroup says it’s a good sign while Merkel insists Greece should remain in the Eurozone.

Il Sole 24 Ore – Greece, the markets believe in an agreement. Greek PM Tsipras has made some concessions on pensions and taxes while Europe rolls out its three step reform program to strengthen the monetary union


Gazeta – Salting the bay. Scientists blame PGNiG gas and oil company for killing fish in the waters of the Puck Bay in the result of saltwort discharging linked with PGNiG’s investment in the underwater gas storage facilities.


El Pais – Jordi Sevilla, responsible for Pedro Sanchez’ economic team: “The PSOE will not frighten companies and investors”. The Socialist leader creates a hollow government with 11 departments

Expansion – Euphoria in the stock exchange. Strong optimism in the European stock exchanges. The Ibex index rises 3.87% during its best session since September 2012.


The Times – Millions more to be tested for cancer. Chances of treatment will almost double.

The Guardian – Rights groups targeted by GCHQ spies. Secret surveillance operations are exposed for first time by tribunal.



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