Public Affairs Networking
22/02 – Today’s headlines from across the EU


FT EuropeBig business backs Cameron’s push to keep Britain in the EU. Half of FTSE 100 chiefs set to sign letter. Backers include Shell, BT, HSBC, and Rio Tinto.

WSJE London Mayor backs Brexit. Move ahead of June 23 referendum deals blow to Cameron’s campaign to keep Britain in EU.

INYTThe party of Bush gives way, warily, to a new era. Republicans confront urgent decision: embrace Trump or destroy him.

BBC EuropeLeaving EU ‘big gamble’ for UK security. The UK will be taking a “big gamble” with its security if it votes to leave the European Union, defence secretary Michael Fallon has claimed. The “collective weight” of partnerships such as the EU made it easier to deal with global threats, he told the BBC.


Le Monde – Cameron and Europe: risky compromise. The British Prime Minister and the EU leaders reached an agreement on 19 February on the future status of the UK in the Union.

Les Echos EU-UK agreement: a trap for Europe. Brexit: Cameron launches a risky campaign. A shaky compromise was reached, reopening the debate on an “à la carte Europe.” Migrants: the Schengen area is more endangered than ever before.


Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) – Dispute over EU membership splits British Conservative. Boris Johnson on the side of a Brexit. Ministers oppose Cameron. Referendum on June 23rd.

Sueddeutsche Zeitung (SZ) Spectators cheer burning asylum building. Saxony’s Prime Minister Tillich called the xenophobic attacks in Clausnitz and Bautzen “repugnant and abhorrent.” SPD parliamentary leader Oppermann speaks of police failure.


La RepubblicaAdoption: Renzi looks at the Cirinnà law. The 400’s call: approve it, the way it is. The PM opens the door to Alfano: deal and confidence vote with M5S is risky. Struggle with the minority.

Il Sole 24 OreMortgages, rates and prices: housing regains appeal. The housing sector has been buoyed by new bonuses as well as the decrease in local taxes.


Gazeta WyborczaDepression at school. Every fourth teenager is susceptible to depression. This poses a challenge for schools because increasingly frequently children spend more time with teachers than with parents.


El PaisLast attempt to make a pact on the left-wing, with the help of Garzón. The PSOE and Podemos maintain their positions for the four-parties meeting today. Ciudadanos asks for Sanchez to respect the agreements already made with the party.


The TimesBoost for out campaign as Boris backs Brexit. Boris Johnson electrified the referendum race by backing the campaign to take Britain out of the European Union.

The GuardianJohnson comes out for Brexit. David Cameron’s battle to keep Britain in the EU hit its most serious political obstacle as London Mayor Boris Johnson announced yesterday, that he was to throw his weight behind the leave campaign.



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