Public Affairs Networking
19/09 – Today’s headlines from across the EU


Financial Times Europe – Slump in US imports threatens to derail emerging market growth. Demand at post-crisis low. China hit hard in July. EU figures show similar picture.

Wall Street Journal Europe – Shaky Syria cease-fire at risk. Tensions rise after mistaken attack by US-led coalition on regime forces.

International New York Times (UK edition) –  Chinese investment is raising eyebrows. European tech purchases creating doubts about the acquirers’ intentions.


Le Monde –  Can Trump win due to Clinton’s weaknesses? The Republican candidate goes up in the polls, after a disastrous phase for his Democrat rival.

Les Echos – One year after, diesel pays a high price for the Volkswagen case. Twelve months after “dieselgate”, manufacturers have reoriented their strategies. Diesel powered engines have lost their supremacy, electric motors benefit.

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung  SPD victorious in Berlin despite strong losses. CDU also with worst result ever. Majority for red-red-green. Success for AfD. FDP in parliament.

Süddeutsche Zeitung – Berlin heads for tripartite alliance. The two major parties lose support in regional state election, but the SPD remains the strongest force and can form a government. AfD continues its winning streak and FDP is back in parliament.


La Repubblica – “Changes to our immigration policy”. Giuseppe Sala, the mayor of Milan, has called on the government to change its immigration policies, due to their disproportionately negative effects on towns.

Il Sole 24 Ore – Competition at the last mile. Measures for professions lightened. Shipping and insurance: delegations will decide.


Gazeta Wyborcza – Hunters will own forests. Under the amendment to Hunting Law, hunters will be vested with a vast array of rights. For example they will be authorised to chase everybody they do not like out of the woods, this including owners of the land who hamper hunting.


El Pais –  “We acted too late against corruption and we lost three million voters”. Alberto Núñez Feijóo, PP candidate for Galician regional government.

Expansion Large funds speed up their investment in Spain. Groups such as GIP, Ardian and Cinven have acquired 9 billion euros of assets this year.

The Times –  Triple strike puts US on terror alert for summit. Police hunt bomber as May heads to New York.

The Guardian – Rebel MPs face the axe, warn Corbyn allies. McCluskey leads calls for opponents of leadership to be “held to account”.




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