Public Affairs Networking
19/08 – Today’s headlines from across the EU


FT Europe

Deutsche Bank whistleblower snubs $8.25 million SEC payout

Protest at failure to punish executives. Rare insight into secretive process.


Investors push for payouts

Companies hand over a near-record share of earnings as dividend.

INYT (UK edition)

Migrants’ saviours, now left in distress

Villagers of Lesbos aided thousands, but then the tourists stopped coming.


Le Monde 

In the heart of Boko Haram’s murderous madness.

Since 2009, the Islamist sect caused the deaths of 20,000 people and a humanitarian crisis around Lake Chad.

Les Echos 

Emmanuel Macron: temptations for the coming year

The Economy Minister made his first trip to La Rochelle, on Thursday. He is to reveal the his “En marche” movement’s programme, next week. His ambitions for 2017 remain hidden.


Frankfurter Allgemeine

Merkel: full-face veil hinders integration

Da Maizière calls for ban in the civil service. Meeting of Home Affairs Ministers.

Sueddeutsche Zeitung

Construction boom in Germany

182,000 new apartments: more building permits than any time since the turn of the Millennium, especially in conurbations. Nevertheless, the Ministry of Finance sees no property bubble.


La Repubblica

Merkel against the Burqa:“it slows integration.”

After several days of silence, the German Chancellor expressed her opinion on the burqa, without taking a stand on a possible ban.

Il Sole 24 Ore 

Oil pushes stock exchanges, banks under pressure

ECB: at each shock, the vulnerability of credit in the Eurozone reappears


Gazeta Wyborcza 

How agent Tomek ends up

The tax authority suspects that the association led by the wife of former PiS member, the intelligence agent Tomek, embezzled millions in subsidies.


El Pais

On 30 August, Rajoy will undergo an investiture procedure agreed with Rivera

The PP’s leader chooses a date that would bring the third elections to take place on Christmas day. Rajoy enters the debate without sufficient support to be elected president.


Rajoy goes for the investiture

Mariano Rajoy set the date on 30th August after accepting Ciudadanos’ six conditions.


The Times

Boy victim becomes a symbol of Assad’s war

Images of young survivor spark global outrage.

The Guardian

“He felt the blood on his face. He didn’t know what had happened.”

Picture of injured child becomes new symbol of the horror in Syria.




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