Public Affairs Networking
18/05 – Today’s headlines from across the EU
FT Europe Rajoy tax cut pledge risks clash with Brussels over budget hole. Spain premier woos voters tired of austerity. Confidence over win in next month’s poll. 

WSJE IMF clashes with Berlin on Greece. Proposal to let Athens skip loan payments for decades goes beyond Eurozone’s position. 

INYT Hints of a role for Bill Clinton. Ex-President could get voice in economic policy in Hillary’s White House. 
Le Monde Far right on the cusp of power in Austria. Norbert Hofer, candidate for the far-right Freedom Party (FPÖ), is the favourite in the presidential election on Sunday, 22 May.

Les Echos Labour law: Hollande remains firm facing the CGT union.Protests against the El Khomri law were limited on Tuesday, and only a few blockages were organised. The Head of State ensures that he “will not give in” and that the text “will be adopted.”
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Maduro imposes a state of emergency in Venezuela. The President threatens entrepreneurs with expropriation. Opposition calls for protests.

Suedeutsche Zeitung Hollande wants to defy mass protests. French President faces difficult times: tens of thousands demonstrate in many cities to stop the reform policies of the government. But the socialist rules out any concession.
La Repubblica EU: more flexibility for Italy, but efforts have to be made in 2017.The EU has decided to give more leeway to Italy for its debt. A victory for Italian premier Matteo Renzi.

Il Sole24 Ore Deal with the EU on flexibility. Padoan: no deviation. Brussels: avoid possible deviation of 2-3 billion in 2017.
Gazeta Wyborcza The showpiece of Beata Szydło Government. Prime Minister Beata Szydło and the Ministers from her Government presented their achievements after six month of rule in Poland. None of them, however, mentioned the Government’s actions that undercut and damage the democratic State of Law. 
El Pais Maduro denounces a “brutal” campaign against him in Spain. Extreme tension in Venezuela following the protests organised by the democratic opposition against the state of emergency. 

Expansion Banca March revolutionises its managing team. José Luis Acea will be the new managing director, and Rira Rodríguez will become Executive Vice-President.
The Times Heseltine savages Boris Johnson. Tory infighting over Europe reached new lows last night. Former deputy prime minister: Brexit backer’s Hitler remark “obscene.”

The Guardian May: police are failing abuse victims. A major inquiry into the police treatment of domestic abuse cases and vulnerable victims has been ordered by the home secretary, Theresa May.



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