Public Affairs Networking
17/06 – Today’s headlines from across the EU


FTCreditors make emergency plans as Greek defiance spurs bond turmoil. Tsipras denounces “humiliation of our people.” Preparations speed up for Athens default.

WSJEFrance and Italy tries to mend fences. Ministers seek solution to immigrant issue.

INYT200 years later, Napoleon wins the war. A brilliant PR strategy overtakes an emperor’s ignominy at Waterloo.


Le MondeFrancis’ s defence speech on integral ecology. The Pope’s highly awaited encyclical on climate was revealed on Monday.

Les EchosMacron wants to speed up the labour market reform. Interview with the Minister of Economy. The first measures of the Macron law will be in force by this August.


Frankfurter Allgemeine (FAZ)ECB pleased with the ruling on sovereign debt purchase. The European Court of Justice approved on Tuesday the ECB’s anti-crisis policy and its purchases of sovereign debt decided in 2012, much criticised in Germany.

Suedeutsche ZeitungJudges approve Draghi’s rescue programme. The European Court of Justice approved the purchase of sovereign debt but reserves itself the right to take control of the ECB’s policy.


La RepubblicaThis is the most difficult phase, declares Renzi. The school reform has been postponed. The PM recognises his difficulties as well as the ones of his government following the results of the local elections. Consequently, he announces the postponement of the school reform and the recruitment of new professors.

Il Sole 24 OreGreece: Athens’ market plummets by 4.77% and is on the verge of default. Tsipras accuses the IMF of having a criminal responsibility in Greece’s situation. EC President Juncker replies that Athens is telling lies about EU proposals.


GazetaPopulation decline wrong for teachers. Population decline and self-governments’ saving plans altogether deprive 5,000 teachers of work. Another several thousand teachers will keep working but only a few hours per week.


El Pais Alfonso Alonso to appear as the symbol of change in the PP. Esperanza Aguirre stops chairing the party in Madrid and sends critical messages against Rajoy’s policies.

ExpansionBMN to enter the stock market. The IPO will provide private investors with liquidity and could be the basis of a further state disengagement.


The TimesSavers cash in £250m to buy cars and holidays. Pensions revolution prompts spree on luxuries

The GuardianGreece accuses criminal creditors as default nears. Lenders trying to humiliate our country, says Tsipras.

©european union2015

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