Public Affairs Networking
17/06 – Today’s headlines from across the EU

FT EuropeKilling of UK politician brings abrupt halt to EU poll campaign. Shooting of Jo Cox stuns political establishment. Cameron cancels rally in Gibraltar.

WSJEUK lawmaker is killed in attack. Police arrest man in death of Labour MP who had campaigned against leaving EU.

INYTDesperate, Africans turn to perilous sea. Growing numbers cross Sahara to board crowded, shoddy boats to Europe.

BBC Europe –  Europe migrant crisis: Charity rejects EU funds over migrant policy.  The medical aid charity Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) says it will no longer take funds from the European Union in protest at its migration policy. MSF singled out the EU’s deal with Turkey under which Turkey agreed to take back any migrants who crossed the sea to Greece in smugglers’ boats.


Le Monde Hollande and Valls to face French people’s growing exasperation. The government relied on the summertime, the Euro 2016, and a slight improvement of the situation in order to start a more favourable period.

Les EchosThe new driving forces of France’s growth. The Insee expects 1.6% growth in 2016. The country is finally about to reverse the unemployment trend. Foreign trade remains a challenge.


Frankfurter AllgemeineLabour MP attacked and killed in northern England. Suspect arrested. The campaign for UK’s EU referendum is suspended.

Süddeutsche-ZeitungAuxiliary police against burglars. Home Affairs Minister de Maizière wants to send fast-track-trained security forces on patrol in neighbourhoods – they shall bear sharp weapons. The SPD rejects such “auxiliary sheriffs.”


La RepubblicaBrexit, the referendum turns bloody: Labour MP murdered. MP Jo Cox was also involved in helping migrants. The assassin shouted “Britain first” before shooting.

Il Sole 24 OreBrexit, rush to safe havens. Gold at its highest level since 2 years at $13,115.5. Bunds at lowest, spread at 157.


Gazette WyborczaBig game. Poland tied 0 – 0 with the world champion and EURO 2016 favourite Germany. Now the Polish National Football Team is just a step from one/eight of the football tournament’s finals.


EL Pais –  The murder of a MP to affect the Brexit campaign. Parties to suspend their actions after the attack whose reasons have still not been identified. English businessmen to defend the benefits of staying in the EU. Europe to delay projects such as the asylum reform until referendum takes place.

Expansion –  Bombardier will sue the Spanish consortium in charge of Mecca high speed train. Bombardier accuses the Spanish group of not assuming the risks regarding negative effect of sand.


The TimesMurdered MP had faced string of security threats. Police were reviewing her protection. Killer shouted “Britain first.” Rival EU camps suspend campaigning.

The Guardian“She believed in a better world and she fought for it every day.” Labour MP Jo Cox shot and stabbed to death in West Yorkshire. Arrested man shouted “Britain first” during street attack – witnesses.




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