Public Affairs Networking
08/10 – Today’s headlines from across the EU

European Headlines



SAB rejects ‎£65 billion offer after AB InBev goes public.Deadline looms in brewers’ battle. Investor split sets stage for showdown.


SAB Miller rejects new InBev deal. SAB Miller PLC rejected a takeover proposal from Anheuser-Busch InBev NV on Wednesday valuing it at up to $104 billion in cash and stock, the latest salvo in what has become a tense negotiation between the world’s No. 1 and No. 2 brewers.


Migration alters future for Europe and Syria. Generation flee nation in chaos, while Continent faces new underclass.




Le Monde

Macron law at a standstill due to lobbies. Out of 95, only 4 implementation decrees have been published so far. The National Assembly has created a mission monitoring the implementation of the Growth and Activity law.

Les Echos

French people are prepared to turn right. 77% people surveyed by TNS Sofres are in favour of further deregulations. Public support for the European idea remains strong even if Institutions are criticised.




Frankfurter Allgemeine 

Putin strengthens military assistance to Assad. Support for ground forces of the regime; cruise missiles launched from the Caspian Sea.

Sueddeutsche Zeitung

A message in azure blue. The speeches by German Chancellor Merkel and French President Hollande in the EU Parliament in Strasbourg have mainly a single purpose: to summon the European spirit, in a context of refugee crisis.




La Repubblica

The PD drops Marino, resignation possible. The mayor of Rome is going from scandal to scandal. After the dinners and representation spending scandal, the Mayor announced yesterday his intention to pay back all the funds spent on the city’s credit card.

Il Sole 24 Ore

Volkswagen starts its European maxi-recall plan. Following the diesel scandal, Volkswagen’s board met to devise a plan in response. Starting in January, 8 million cars across the EU will be recalled. This caused the stock price to rise




Gazeta Wyborcza

Macierewicz discusses Poland’s future. Antoni Macierewicz, a close associate of PiS leader Jarosław Kaczyński, announces that when PiS wins the parliamentary elections, the decayed, corrupt and anti-Polish Poland will finally be healed.





El Pais

Hollande and Merkel fear nationalism could put an end to Europe. Leaders of European powers warn that the reaction before refugees put the united continental project at risk.


Villar Mir will sell 9.5% of OHL in its capital increase. Juan Miguel Villar Mir gives up on his idea to launch a book-building process on the markets.




The Times

Millions of migrants in new flight to Europe. Mass exodus from Syria, as Putin fires 26 missiles.

The Guardian

Revealed – the true price of the PM’s “all-out assault on poverty.” Think-tank says tax credit will lead to 200,000 rise in families living in poverty.

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