Public Affairs Networking
07/09 – Today’s headlines from across the EU


FTUS shale industry suffers $30 billion outflow as oil price fall hits home. Cash shortfall rises amid sector shake-up. Bankruptcies and restructurings increase.

WSJE – Thousands stream into Germany. Some 13,000 migrants crossed from Hungary into Austria by Sunday afternoon, in the 36 hours since Germany and Austrian authorities bowed to pressure to accept one of the largest waves of displaced people since World War II.

INYTNew arrivals in Germany challenge an identity. Migrants could ensure economic vitality, but also face fierce backlash.


Le Monde – François Hollande considers strikes on IS in Syria. The government is studying the possibility of attacking the Islamic State not only in Iraq, but also in Syria, following the United States.

Les EchosLabour code: a new law in early 2016. After the Combrexelle report went to government on Wednesday, the French executive body is determined to make progress on the issue. François Hollande to discuss the Syrian issue and tax cuts during a press conference this Monday.


Frankfurter AllgemeineGermany welcomes thousands of refugees at railway stations. The European Commission wants a new asylum policy for the European Summit at the Federal Chancellery.

Sueddeutsche ZeitungThe big welcome. More than 12,000 refugees have reached Munich this weekend. The CSU criticises Merkel’s decision to take in refugees who stranded in Hungary.


La RepubblicaMigrants: Austria challenges Orban. The Pope issues a call to all Christians: “Open our churches.” A hundred of Austrians pick up Syrian refugees at the Hungarian border. Pope Francis calls on Christians to house refugees in the parishes.

Il Sole 24 OreVoluntary disclosure: capital returns accelerate. Eight voluntary disclosures out of ten are still being processed, three weeks before the deadline of September 30th. Last minute clarifications and the difficulty of the process have slowed the process down, however the operation should be successful.


Gazeta WyborczaRacist Poles. Today, the Public Prosecutor’s Office will look into the case of Internet haters who postulated that Syrian refugees should be sent to the former German concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau.


El PaisSanchez set to acknowledge Catalonia’s singularity. The PSOE’s leader proposes to make it a part of the Constitutional reform.

ExpansionBankia fulfils its plan. The company reaches €63 billion in disinvestment and goes beyond its projected goal.


The TimesBritish aid millions to be spent on asylum seekers. Cash diverted to cover housing costs as intake rises.

The GuardianUN aid agencies on brink as cash donations run out. Food and healthcare for refugees face axe, warns commissioner.




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