Public Affairs Networking
05/02 – Today’s headlines from across the EU


FT EuropeInvestors punish Credit Suisse as losses highlight bank sector pain. Results follow hits at other European groups; US financial stocks down 11% this year

WSJENew terror fears in France. Witness says leader of Paris attacks said he was part of a team

INYTAmerica’s young voters flock to Sanders. A generation bombarded by ads finds affinity with candidate’s gruff sincerity.

BBC EuropePope  set for historic Orthodox Patriarch meeting.Pope Francis will hold a historic first meeting with Patriarch Kirill, the head of Russian Orthodox Church, in Cuba next week. The Russian Orthodox Church said the “persecution of Christians” would be the central theme of the meeting.
Pope Francis will stop over in Cuba on his way to Mexico.


Le MondeThe right wing is just as divided as the left wing on nationality withdrawal. François Fillon is heading the opposition to the revision of the constitution and says he has 130 MPs among his supporters.

Les EchosEurope: the new recovery scenario. Growth is confirmed but remains moderate and under threat of new price stagnation. The biggest central banks are worried about the global economic environment.


Frankfurter Allgemeine ZeitungIS followers may have planned attacks in Berlin. Raids in three German states. Police arrests Algerian and Syrian suspects.

Sueddeutsche ZeitungTerror suspicion in Berlin. In a nationwide raid, the police arrests two Algerians who probably planned an attack in the capital, according to prosecutors. Supposed connections with IS.


La RepubblicaGiulio wrote: « I’m afraid ». The Italian PhD student killed in Cairo was working with the newspaper “Il Manifesto”. He was tortured before being murdered. He was also in contact with political opponents.

Il Sole 24 Ore “Global forces are holding down inflation”. In his address to the Bundesbank, ECB President Mario Draghi said that there are forces in the global economy today that are conspiring to hold the inflation down.


Gazeta WyborczaMerchants’ revolt. The Government has a huge fight trying to levy additional taxes on retailers. The retail associations in Poland and trade unionists plan to walk Warsaw’s streets warning the Government that this plan will squeeze them out of the market and deprive many retailers of their source of income.


El PaísRivera subordinates any pact with PSOE in which PP takes part. Ciudadanos’ leader asks Rajoy to debut a parallel negotiation.

ExpansionWhy do Brussels and IMF improve Spain’s forecast? Spain is experiencing a political crisis, without a government in sight. However, international organisms agree to improve the country’s growth forecast.


The Times EU ‘out’ campaign surges to record lead. The campaign to leave the European Union has been handed its biggest lead after the public rejected David Cameron’s deal on reforms.

The GuardianFears over refugee exodus as Aleppo hovers on the brink. Turkey’s Prime Minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, predicts new exodus as increasingly intensive Russian airstrikes are pushing tens of thousands of Syrians from the city of Aleppo towards the Turkish border.




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