Public Affairs Networking
05/05 – Today’s headlines from across the EU


FT –  Moscow offers bigger stakes in energy projects to lure Chinese

WSJE  –  EU lifts eurozone growth forecast. European Union economists said cheaper oil and central bank stimulus should help deliver faster growth in the region this year.

INYTNepal’s young men, lost to migration and then a quake. Healthy young men were leaving to find work in great waves before the quake. Now, even before the dead are fully counted, it is clear that Nepal cannot afford the losses.


Le Monde –  Marine Le Pen goes after Jean-Marie Le Pen

Les EchosMarine Le Pen could throw in the towel.


Frankfurter Allgemeine – IMF calls for debt relief for Greece. Greek PM in secret negotiations with creditors

Sueddeutsche Zeitung –  Former Chancellor Kohl wins against ghostwriter Swan again


La Repubblica –  European Commission confirms Italy’s GDP figures and deficit estimate.

Il Sole 24 OreThe long road to a majority system. It is clear that the introduction of majoritarian democracy on the national level will change Italy. However, will it change it for the better?


Gazeta Wyborczaza –  How much do Poles really earn – surprising figures


El Pais 13 Spaniards still missing in Nepal.  Rescue team lands in Kathmandu to help locate seven trekkers who remain unaccounted for after the April 25 quake

Expansion –  Brussels revises Spanish GDP growth to 2.8%


The Times – Miliband asks unions to save his No 10 bid. 

The Guardian Lib Dems would give biggest party time to form coalition, says Clegg

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