Public Affairs Networking
04/08 – Today’s headlines from across the EU


Wall Street Journal Europe –  Banks go on a crash diet. European lenders slash assets of US brokerage units as new rules kick in.

Financial Times Europe –   Indian business hails approval of long-awaited national tax system. Reform ditches patchwork after 10-year debate. Historic shift likely to boost growth.


Le Monde – The climate deteriorated sharply in 2015. 2015 marked a spectacular step in the deterioration of climate indicators.

Les Echos  –  2012-2017: a presidential term marked by a fiscal binge. The withholding tax project was presented at the Council of Ministers on Wednesday. This is the last reform of a presidential term marked by fiscal instability.


Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung – The Council of Europe calls for more understanding for Turkey. Secretary General Jagland speaks with Erdogan. Athens favours “Plan B” on the refugee issue.

Süddeutsche Zeitung –  Coach tours could become more expensive. The company Flixbus dominates after acquiring its major competitor. Consumer advocates expect disadvantages for the customer – fewer offers and higher prices.


La Repubblica –  Libya: a three-phase plan to beat the Caliphate. Italy secures its harbours. After conducting raids against jihadist cells in Libya, the United States could ask Italy for logistical support, with the use of boats and helicopters, in order to create a security cordon off the country’s coasts.

Il Sole 24 Ore –  Banks, respite on the stock market, reopening after the drop. After two consecutive days of taking a battering on the stock markets, Piazza Affari is back up with 0.2%.

Gazeta Wyborcza – Small Border War. The Government suspends the Small Border Traffic regime with the Kaliningrad Oblast citing security causes. A hard blow to Pomeranian and Warmia and Mazury Provinces that benefit from Russian shoppers – in 2015, Russians spent there about PLN286 million.


El Pais –  Rajoy and Rivera open a new limited collaboration phase. Ciudadanos maintains its abstention on investiture. The deal raises pressure on the PSOE.

Expansion – More than 1,000 homes are sold every day. Record rise in the real estate market in the first semester.


The Times –  Anger at inquiry judge’s absence. Child abuse review chief spent three months abroad in her first year.

The Guardian Labour on edge of a split that would finish party, says Smith. Challenger warns rift likely if Corbyn remains. Party support may drop to 20% if splinter occurs.

International New York Times – UK Edition –  How ISIS built a web of killers. Jailed recruit reveals workings of squad that plans attacks worldwide.



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