Public Affairs Networking
04/06 – Today headlines from across the EU


FTBenchmark yields spike as Draghi warns of era of higher volatility. ECB chief’s comments spark fresh instability. Mood crosses Atlantic to hit Treasuries.

WSJEBig oil wary of OPEC’s new strategy. The world’s biggest oil companies have taken a beating since the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries let prices fall last year in favour of pumping more crude, injecting a note of tension into a long standing marriage of convenience.

INYTTurkish vote shapes up as referendum on leader. Erdogan seeks big victory as endorsement of plan to expand his power.


Le MondeThe reasons behind Joseph Blatter’s surprise resignation. On Tuesday, the FIFA president resigned four days after his re-election.

Les EchosFrench state gives EDF keys to nuclear sector. EDF is about to become the controlling shareholder of Areva’s reactor business. The government will also recapitalise the new Areva “to the amount necessary.”


Frankfurter Allgemeine – Not published today

Suedeutsche Zeitung – Not published today


La RepubblicaEmployment increases even for young professionals. Greece: agreement in sight. Italian national statistical institute: 159,000 additional jobs in April – impact of Jobs Act, according to Renzi. Draghi: it highlights the increase of stock purchases. Problem within the Senate: two populists abandon the majority.

Il Sole 24 OreAthens, closer to an arrangement, Berlin wants an agreement. Draghi: uncertain recovery, full implementation the QE programme if necessary.


Gazeta – Not published today


El PaisAn Al Qaeda mole speaks. An investigation from El Pais and Al Jazeera channel reveals that a terrorist attack that killed 8 people in Spain in 2007 could have been avoided. An undercover agent warned Yemen’s secret services, who did not prevent the attack from happening.

ExpansionEuskatel launches its IPO. The company will sell 51 to 60% of its shares during the first half of July.


The TimesMigrant surge as job curb ends. Tens of thousands of Romanians secure right to work in UK.

The GuardianLabour’s shattered dream. The rows, tactical errors and Tory traps which left party stunned on election night.


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