Public Affairs Networking
04/05 – Today’s headlines from across the EU

European Headlines


FT Europe

Dollar’s losing streak highlights doubts on Fed interest rate target. Greenback hits 15-month low before recovery. Currency strategists predict further falls.


A lighter moment for Brazil’s embattled leader. Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff lighted the Olympic torch in the capital of Brasilia on Tuesday ahead of this summer’s Olympic Games, which Rio de Janeiro will host. The event has been overshadowed by Ms Rousseff’s impending impeachment trial.


Louisiana’s climate refugees. Residents of sinking isle could be first to receive federal money to resettle.

 BBC Europe

 EU Commission to recommend Turkey visa-free deal. The Commission is set to recommend granting visa-free travel for Turkish citizens inside EU’s passport-free Schengen area, despite unease among some lawmakers. The change may take effect from July, but first it requires approval by the European Parliament and 28 member states.



Le Monde

A Muslim Labour party candidate, favourite to win London’s municipal elections. According to surveys, Sadiq Khan, son of a Pakistani bus driver, could win municipal elections in London, on Thursday 5 May.

Les Echos

Tax cut: Hollande targets poorer households. The Head of State confirmed his plan to further cut taxes. The tax reductions and new expenses will have to be compensated, Brussels warned.




Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ)

Hollande threatens with termination of TTIP negotiations. French President: No free trade without rules. Deepening the euro area.


Suedeutsche Zeitung

Hollande prepares a crash diet for France. Less protection against dismissal, weakening of trade unions, longer work time: the French President wants to bring the largest reform package of his tenure through Parliament, but resistance is huge.




La Repubblica 

Lodi: the mayor in jail, it is the magistrates’ blockade.” “Lead public market.” The Democrats: disproportionate arrest.

Il Sole 24 Ore

European banks drive down stock exchanges. The zero-rate policy reduces the profit of the European institutions. Angeloni (ECB): Atlante is good but not enough.




Gazeta Wyborcza 

Secondary school’s leaving exams starts today. 280,000 graduates of secondary schools in Poland start taking their secondary school’s leaving examination today. This year, graduates of technical schools take the exam in a new formula for the first time. Every year brings 20,000 fewer new graduates who hold the diploma.





El Pais

The EU will fine €250,000 for every refugee rejected. Brussels proposes an automatic distribution method sanctioning countries that reject their asylum application quota.


Fight between NH’s big shareholders. Funds with a 22% stake of the company ask for the resignation of co-president Mobus.




The Times

Ban threat for tycoon at heart of BHS fiasco. Urgent government inquiry targets Green deal.


The Guardian

Corbyn critics accept coup is impossible. Pollster warns support among party members leaves leader untouchable.


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