Public Affairs Networking
02/09 – Today’s headlines from across the EU


Financial Times Europe – Rise of the renminbi loosens London’s grip on forex trading. Tilt to Asia as use of China currency rises; Lost ground hard to recoup after EU vote.

Wall Street Journal Europe –  Challenge to Fed weighed. Ban groups debate whether to take legal action over central bank’s ‘stress tests’.

International New York Times –  When Assange speaks, is Putin talking? Deliberately or not, Wikileaks’ exposés often serve Moscow’s agenda.


Le Monde –  United States: Donald Trump stands firm on anti-immigration policy. In Phoenix, on Wednesday night, the Republican candidate once again denounced the devastating effects he attributes to immigration.

Les Echos –  Real estate: how to take advantage of the recovery. Sales multiply, prices remain stable, credit rate are at an historic low. Our special 6-page coverage.


Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Beckenbauer’s home search for World Cup award to Germany. Swiss courts also investigates against Niersbach, Zwanziger and Schmidt. Money laundering?

Süddeutsche Zeitung Switzerland investigates Beckenbauer.  Suspicion of money laundering and embezzlement: The federal prosecutor in Bern investigates dubious payments before the 2006 FIFA World Cup. Three former top officials of the DFB are also accused.


La Repubblica – Five resignations for Raggi; M5S chaos, Rome is already paralysed. From councilmen to the Chief of Staff, runaway from the key positions.

Il Sole 24 Ore – Shock absorbers and crises, agreement between the social partners. Boccia: step towards a comprehensive view of the industry issue.


Gazeta Wyborcza – Tax hits bank’s customers. Expensive cash loans and low-interest deposits are the banks’ response to a new tax that is to be levied on the institutions in February 2017. Banks shifted costs on their customers and generate handsome profits.


El Pais – PSOE regional leaders call for an internal debate. Several leaders who criticize Sanchez ask for a federal committee in order to discuss the way to avoid new election.

Expansion – CEOs warn against third elections. CEOs ring the alarm against the negative effects of new elections.


The Times Stop strikes now, senior doctors tell BMA chiefs. ‘We’ve had enough’, junior medics are warned.

The Guardian – Senior doctors condemn plan for strike action. Experts fear sustained action will hurt patients, profession and NHS.




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