Public Affairs Networking
01/07 – Today’s headlines from across the EU


BBC EuropeTory leadership: Ken Clarke urges Michael Gove to quit.  Justice Secretary Michael Gove should abandon his bid to become Tory leader, former chancellor Ken Clarke has said. Mr Gove, who dramatically switched his support from Boris Johnson on Thursday and decided to stand himself, will set out his vision for the country later. But veteran Europhile Mr Clarke said Mr Gove’s “bizarre manoeuvrings” disqualified him from being PM at a time of “grave crisis”.

FT EuropeBrexit treachery.  Where to begin? First order treachery, the double Brutus, a “cuckoo nest plot” – this is a political assassination that will go into Conservative party lore alongside the defenestration of Margaret Thatcher. On a cold summer morning, Boris Johnson’s career was laid waste in a matter of hours by his campaign director and confidante Michael Gove, the Brexit-whisperer who convinced him to turn on Brussels. Politics in a democracy does not get more savage than this.

WSJEEU cities battle for London’s finance crown. Following the U.K.’s vote to leave the European Union, London’s position as the continent’s premier financial center is under threat, and officials in Paris, Frankfurt and Dublin aren’t wasting time in trying to hasten its downturn.

INYTLuck runs out for leader of ‘Brexit’ campaign. Boris Johnson, the chronically disheveled former mayor of London, was done in by his own hubris and lack of preparation in the face of the Brexit result.


Le MondeUK: Who are the candidates to succeed David Cameron?  After the surprise withdrawal of Boris johnson, five are vying to try to seek the leadership of the Tories and hence the premiership.

Les EchosBrexit: UK under shock. UK suffers from great insecurity


Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung –  Austrian Presidential election to be formally declared as unreliable. The Constitutional Court will declare the presidential election in Austria because of numerous irregularities invalidated Report Austrian media unanimously . The court will announce its decision this Friday.

Süddeutsche Zeitung – Europe’s cities are competing for British jobs. The British had not yet officially submitted their withdrawal from the EU , as the cities of Europe have been running fast to poach companies and institutions from the British capital.


La Repubblica – Bossetti process, final appeal : ” I beseech you , repeat the DNA test . I’m not the murderer”.  The accused: ” It will be the most serious mistake of the century . ” He risks life imprisonment.

Il Sole 24 OreBank of England cuts rates. Pound at new low against the euro.


El PaisSpanish deputies: money for nothing and the checks for free? Congress members and senators get compensation for interim period before the new legislature convenes, but some say the amount is excessive and unethical.


The TimesJohnson’s secret offer to make way for May. Run for PM but stand aside by 2020, aide told home secretary. Gove launches leadership bid with attack on Brexit ally

The GuardianGove outlines Tory leadership plan as McDonnell expects Labour battle ‘soon’. Justice secretary to make case for leading the country. Tories stunned by Johnson’s decision not to stand for leader. Most Labour members think Corbyn did badly on referendum.



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